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Understanding the Different Attorney Billing Plans

It is important to understand how attorneys charge for their devices if you are planning to hire one for any legal representation. Attorneys are known to be expensive for their services. Usually attorneys will charge based on any of the following four systems namely the hourly, contingency fee, flat fee and retainer fees. All these are payment plans that attorneys use when charges for a variety of cases.


Hourly rate


Some attorneys charge for their services by the hour. What this means is that the lawyer expects to be paid for every hour he or she spends on your case. You should be prepared to pay for the hours the attorney spends in court but also for every moment spent researching and preparing for the case. A lot of time is spent reviewing, collecting evidence, and rediscovering facts that strengthen the case. The amount of fee charged depends on the type of case being handled as well as the state in which you are. An experienced attorney from should give you an estimate of the number of hours he or she expects to spend on the case, which makes it easy for you to prepare financially.


Contingency fee


A contingency fee, which is sometimes referred to as working fee, is a special type of payment for attorney services. The attorney in this case takes up a certain amount of the monetary settlement for damages and injuries. This is a common payment arrangement for auto accident cases and personal injury cases. While the percentage varies from one state to another, an average contingency percentage of 33.3% applies in most states. Any victim involved in an accident should not hesitate finding a lawyer that charges on contingency based on this means. Read facts about lawyers here at


Flat fee


Cases that are more straightforward will attract a flat fee for attorneys. Some of these cases include will preparations or drafting of bankruptcy. You need to understand what the fee does and does not cover inasmuch as you will lay down the charges at the beginning of your agreement. Sometimes other fees such as filing charges may not be covered in the same umbrella.


Retainer fees


These are more complex attorney charges. It refers to lump sum of money paid upfront as a way of covering the attorney expenses. This fee is usually paid in the cases of hourly relationships and serves as a way of solidifying the attorney-client relationship. Understand your type of retainer first. See page of professional lawyers to view their credentials.

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